Welcome to my home page filled with fun and interesting things about the seventies. There will be websites and links to various websites and artists of the 70's music and today's music for the Return of "Popular Request"
Visit the Super 70s Website at: superseventies.tripod.com/super70s/
or visit the Popualr Request at: crspopularrequest.tripod.com/
I will update this every week ASAP!
The dj's on The Super 70's include
The Host:Johnny Brovo Disco Stu That 70's Cowboy and Dirt Bag
The dj's for Popular ReQuest: Dj Andy Dj Brad Dj Anthony Dj Eric Dj Chris Dj Adam
I will update this in one week from know or sooner or E-mail me if you want to be on the Friday show for the youger kids show or the saturday show for the older crowd.
The firday show will be today's music The saturday show will be the 70's music and only people over 16 can be a dj or can help.